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Knitting, crafts and industrial history

When it's raining outside, we need nice indoor activities. Perhaps you cook extra good food or do handicraft work? In our online shop, we have several books related to various West Norwegian craft traditions that can inspire further work.

Many people enjoy knitting indoors while they wait for spring. Maybe you can find a new knitting project in one of the great knitting books we have in our online store?

Or how about reading a book about industrial history from Western Norway? Traditional Norwegian industry such as wood processing, textile industry, fish processing and mining has played a decisive role in the rise of modern Norway. Since the 1990s, the National Archives has worked to preserve a selection of technical and industrial cultural monuments. Salhus Tricatagefabrik is one of the 15 technical industrial plants on the National Antiquities conservation list, which you can read about in the book When the past becomes the future .

The history of the labor movement and trade unions is a central part of Norway's history, and in the book "We don't need to look after the worker, we only look after the work" you get a unique insight into working life at Salhus between 1920-1967.

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