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December 21

image taken from Digitalt museum and Aust-Agder museum

December 21 was formerly called Tomasmesse, and is marked on practically all Norwegian primes such as a barrel, a cross or a hand.

The shortest day of the year was called solstice. Somewhere it was said that the way the weather was that day, it would be the whole winter. The Christmas peace was supposed to light up on Thomas Mass Day and last for three weeks.

The Christmas beer was to be brewed on this day, which was called Tomas brygger or Tomas full barrel. It wasn't just the beer brewing that had to be finished by St Thomas' Day. The woodcutter, the shoemaker and the tailor should have finished their work.

When the work is put away, it goes well with a good book in the hands. Today I recommend the book about Lindå's sea locks. This is the story of the great work that has been done with the restoration of Lindå's sea locks - perhaps one of the most important cultural monuments in the country. In Norway, there have only been two sea locks, and the locks in Lindås are the only ones in the country that can be recreated as they once were. The book is written by Gunn Nordal.

Today's offer is the book about the Lindås locks for only NOK 100 in the online store!

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